Roster Listing Page

Rosters are one of the core sections of the system. Here you can add and publish shifts to your workforce as well as share the roster with clients.

In this article, we are going to explore every functionality that makes Rosters great.

Adding a Roster

Rosters are linked to Locations and they will automatically appear under your Rosters listing page as soon as you add a new Location.

Further, when you change a Location status to Inactive, the relevant roster will appear under the Inactive tab at the top of the page.

Colour Coding

There are three colours that a roster might display on the Rosters list page. These are Red, Blue and Black. 

Red: indicates empty rosters – have no shifts added for that location for the week. 

Blue: A blue roster indicates that there is at least one Shift that staff has not been assigned to. 

Black: The black colour indicates that there are one or more shifts scheduled at this location. 


The columns in the rosters listing page aim to give you key information and insight at a glance before you dive into the individual roster. These include:

  • Location Name
  • Open Shifts
  • Draft
  • Unconfirmed
  • Confirmed
  • No. of hours Rostered

Inactive Rosters

When you make a Location Inactive, the corresponding roster is also moved to the Inactive tab on the roster listing page. Rosters under the Inactive tab display a different set of details, including

  • Location Name
  • Time Since Last Activity
  • Last Active Week
  • Shifts Rostered
  • Total Hours
  • Location Manager  

To make an inactive roster active again, you must change the Location’s status to Active. 

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