Clients & Locations

The schedule has been built for companies providing shift-based workforce services to clients across several industries. For this reason, the system includes a Client and Locations section which includes several functionalities to make your staff scheduling to clients’ locations a breeze.


Clients are a parent/child admin structure to which one or many Locations can be linked. Clients have no roster calendars of their own and their main purpose is for the system to group multiple rosters/locations and generate reports.

General Information

This is the main section where basic information about the Location can be entered. These include:

Name: The name of the overarching company grouping multiple locations

Short Code: a unique ID code to identify the particular client 

Primary Contact: Details including name, role email and phone number

Address: This is the address of their head office which might be or not the same as one of their Locations


The Billing tab captures the client’s information related to their accounts department and payment terms so that the system can produce invoices.

Here you can specify a different Contact and Address or use the details entered in the General Information tab.


The Locations tab lists all the locations linked to the client. To edit any of the locations, click the pencil icon and you will be redirected to the corresponding Locations page.


Locations are sites with their rostering calendar. Locations can be stand-alone or be linked to a Client as part of a group of locations. 

General Information

In the General Information tab, you can set up the Location with basic information including:

Name: The name of the overarching company grouping multiple locations

Short Code: a unique ID code to identify the particular client 

Parent Client: Select between “None (Single Location)” or one of the Clients previously created in the system. 

Company: Link the Location to your company or Contractor. Locations cannot belong to multiple companies.

Location Manager: Assign the User responsible for this Location. All Users regardless of their Role are available in this dropdown field as options. However, Users linked to the Location Manager role will only have access to the Locations and rosters assigned to them.

Location Address: You can either enter an address that is validated by Google autocomplete functionality or leave the field blank (no address)

Enter a valid address to set the Minimum Check-in Radius. This functionality is used by the mobile application to ensure staff are on-site when signing on to the shift.

If you have set the Location’s parent client as “None (Single-Location)”, then you will find the fields related to the Billing information on this page, below the map. These include:

  • ABN
  • Invoice Payment Terms
  • Accounts Contact
  • Billing Address  


Create and list multiple contacts for a Location.

This will come particularly useful when you want to share the roster with your clients, as the system will grab and populate the contacts from this section so that you can send an email to your client within the system. 

To add a contact, go to the Contacts tab on the Locations page, then click the Add Contact button. A new page with a form will open for you to enter your contact details, including:

  • Name
  • Role
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Primary Contact

Use the “Primary Contact” checkbox to decide which contact’s details are shown on the Location sidebar.

Service Levels

The Service Levels tab is where you can specify whether the client will be providing uniforms. Leave it empty to default to “Company to supply”.

The uniform field will be part of the shift details the staff will receive.

The next section in the Service Levels tab is where you can enable the manual selection which is relevant to this particular location.

When enabled, only the selected Service Levels in this section will display in the Location’s roster as available options. 

In the example below, the location is the “Music Under The Moonlight” music festival. Select the Service Level for this Location, click the arrow in between the columns to move these to the “Selected Service Levels” column and finally click the Save Changes. 

Invoiced Rates

Use the Invoiced Rates tab to override the rates set under each Service Level. 

On the X axis of the rates table, you will find the Shift Schedules as set up in the Default Shift section. You will also see the Public Holidays and Overtime option there.

The Y axis in the table is the list of Service Levels available for the location.

If you have set up multiple Service Level Groups, these will show as tabs above the rates table. Each Service Level Group has its own rates table. 

To override any of the rates, simply click on the rate value. A popup window detailing the selected Shift Schedule rates will be available.

Click the edit pencil icon, enter the new value and Save your changes.

When assigning different values to different days within the same Service Level, a generic “Multiple Rates” message will replace the single value previously shown.


You might also choose to offer a discount for certain Locations or Clients. To do so, simply choose the type of discount between Percentage or Fixed and add the discount value.

All future invoices for that location will display a Discount line and value after the subtotal and before the tax calculation. 


The Invoices tab allows you to quickly access all the invoices generated for the Location. 

Invoices are created every week. To generate an invoice, you must approve the Timesheet for this location. 

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